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Frequently Asked Questions
This page will give you a few ideas on how to use this site.

Is this the only UKWebAd Site ?

No, you can view other UKWebAd sites by going to our homepage We intend to add new sites regularly so keep checking back. If you would like to see a UKWebAd site for a particular type of vehicle or collectible that you are interested in then please contact us and if it is viable we will create a new site for you.

The biggest question most people ask is what's the catch ?

The answer is that there isn't one. It is free to place as many adverts as you like. It doesn't matter if you are trade or private. We aim to pay for the site costs by getting related companies to place banner adverts once the site is receiving lots of hits. As the sites are new this will take a while so just make sure that you keep coming back. Also tell all your friends about the sites so that we build up a loyal following. These sites are run by enthusiasts for other enthusiasts so have fun using them.

What are the Terms and Conditions for using the site ?

Please read the Terms and Conditions before buying or selling using this site.

If I would like to place a banner advert on one of the UKWebAd sites how do I set this up ?

If any related companies would like to place a banner advert on any of the UKWebAd sites click here to find out more.

The Image Size of the photo I would like to upload is bigger than the maximum limit. How do I reduce it ?

To change the file size you need to load the photo into your photo editing program and then select "Image Resize" and reduce the image size. Then select "Save As" and save the image in jpeg or gif format. If you have an option to optimize the image then use this as it will reduce the image size further. Suitable photo editing programs include Microsoft Photo Editor, Paintshop Pro, Adobe Image Ready/Photoshop, PhotoImpact or any software that was supplied with your digital camera.

I tried to upload an advert with a photo but it didn't work. What is the problem ?

Some of the common problems are:

If after pressing "Place Advert" button you get a timeout message in your browser. This can happen when trying to upload from a large company network which has firewall and anti virus measures in place. Try again using a direct connection or from your home PC if you have one.

This site only uploads files with extensions that end in .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe or .gif. If your file name has a different extension you can not upload it to this site. To change the file extension you need to load the photo into your photo editing program and then select "Save As" and select jpeg or gif as the file format. Suitable photo editing programs include Microsoft Photo Editor, Paintshop Pro, Adobe Image Ready/Photoshop, PhotoImpact or any software that was supplied with your digital camera.

If you have any other problems please e-mail us describing exactly what you are trying to do and what happens and we will try and help you out.

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